Here's what happened in my spring of this year. I was laid off March 15; I headed off for a long-planned vacation March 18, which turned out to suck because my boyfriend was disappearing from my life; I had adjusted the timing of that vacation AND missed my cousin's wedding for the purpose of celebrating my 40th -- yes, four-ohth -- birthday with said boyfriend after being alone 8 years; that birthday shat upon me in a complicated way that is nothing but proof of divinity; April 8, the breakup (yes, 10 days after the birthday [which I only mention for proximity and to point out the Laughing of the Divine, not as any finger-pointing; we're not talking divorce when the wife gets cancer or anything]); April 28, The Pagan Fertility Ritual Cupcake Pirate Cake To End All Pagan Fertility Ritual Cupcake Pirate Cakes (I insert this to show that good things were happening too, and how awesome my friends are); April 30, last day working at Cornell (HUZZAH!); July 24 (OK, now we're into summer), The Great Move Home, Finally.
These were not all bad things. Just big things. A lot of big things in a short amount of time.
Now I am back in Buffalo and so happy and relieved about that; the freedom my shoulders feel from the release of the Ithaca weight is a wonderful thing. I have a lot of boxes that I have a plan for, a cylon plan that keeps not getting finished, but BY TOMORROW, I SWEAR BY MY CURTAINS, THESE BOXES WILL BE IN THEIR NEW AND GLORIOUS HOME in the cat room. And the bedrooms need painting, which means picking a color after dismissing 13 already and realizing that the celery color I was so excited about will only exacerbate any headaches that assault me at the time of their choosing.
And then, my home will be ready.
But I think you will soon get the final installments of this cheesy romance you care about for whatever reasons. So in the meantime I ask you two things:
1. Give it a name! The winner will receive my everlasting devotion and maybe a sonnet.
2. Think about where you think the story should go from here. I basically wrote it till I wrote everything I thought of, and we're almost there. Throw some ideas at us and let's see where we end up.
Thank you for enjoying it so far. Really. It means a lot to me that anyone has. Oh, also, I've decided to get a master's in social work, for the purpose of counseling down the line. Right now my plan is to do nutritional/weight-loss/relaxation/hypnosis/yogic-principles therapy, but we'll have to see how it all unfolds. Life is what happens on the way to your plans, right?
Your Moonkee Bethany